Course curriculum

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    Welcome to the course!

    • Introduction with Belinda

    • How to use this course

    • Pre Work - To complete before we commence

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    Module 1 - Awakening & Ascension - The What, Why, How and the You!

    • My Spiritual, Awakening and Ascension Journey

    • What is Ascension and Awakening?

    • Ascension Symptoms & Support

    • Ascension Symptom Toolkit

    • Radiance Codes Activation meditation

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    Module 2 - Tapping into Everything is Energy

    • It all comes back to energy

    • Energetic Boundaries

    • Choose Your Thoughts Wisely

    • Your Word is your Wand!

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    Module 3 - Power of E-motions

    • Emotion - Energy in Motion

    • Emotions & their Vibration Frequencies

    • Resistance

    • Trauma

    • Triggers are Treasures

    • Repressed & Suppressed Emotion Costs

    • Process: For any Trapped Emotion

    • Process: EFT or Tapping for Emotional Release

    • Process: Heart Focused Breathing™ & Quick Coherence® Technique

    • Process: Feel the Emotion to Release It!

    • Process: Using symptoms to move through Emotions

    • Process: Theta Healing Downloads

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    Module 4 - Beliefs, Blocks & Breakthroughs

    • Let's Talk Beliefs......

    • How Do we Become Stuck?

    • Conscious & Subconscious/Unconscious Mind

    • Other Aspects of Self to Consider

    • Interesting Beliefs - Disease Link

    • Rewiring and Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind

    • Ways to Change a Limiting Belief

    • Theta Healing

    • Process: For any significant event that caused limiting beliefs to be formed

    • Process: The Sweep

    • Process: Questions to Change Limiting Beliefs

    • Process: Psych K adapted process to install new Beliefs

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    Module 5 - Feminine Energy Activation

    • Taking Stock - Masculine & Feminine Energies

    • The Art Of Receiving

    • Conscious Embodiment

    • Core Wounds of the Feminine

    • Nutrients and Herbs to support our Female Hormones

    • Four Phases of our Cycle

    • Process: Feminine Embodiment Mini Meditation

    • Process: Hoʻoponopono Forgiveness

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    Module 6 - Energy Vortex Puzzle

    • Energy Wheels, Channels and Fields

    • 1st Major Chakra

    • 2nd Major Chakra

    • 3rd Major Chakra

    • 4th Major Chakra

    • 5th Major Chakra

    • 6th Major Chakra

    • 7th Major Chakra

    • Process 1: Breathwork 1

    • Process 2: Breathwork 2

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    Module 7 - Activating your Healing

    • Level 1: Physical Level

    • Level 2: Energetic Level

    • Level 2: Energetic Level Space Creation

    • Level 2: Energetic/Energy Level Process

    • Level 3: Mental Health Level

    • Level 4: Emotional Level

    • Level 5: Spiritual Level

    • Thoughts Dictate and Shape Your Reality!

    • Follow the Signs.....

    • Process: Theta Healing - Block Removal and Program Downloads

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    Module 8 - Nervous System Recalibration

    • Stressor Identification

    • Using Food to Meet the Body where it is at!

    • Herbs, Nutrients & Other Nervous System Support

    • Neurotransmitters - Considerations & Stress Support

    • Fears & Safety - SNS Vs PNS States

    • Expanding the Capacity of the Nervous System to Receive

    • Process: NLP Technique to banish your worries and anxious feeling

    • Guided Meditation: Removing Cellular Stress, Shock, Fear & Trauma

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    Module 9 - Intuition, Knowing & Spiritual Support

    • Getting into our Intuitive Groove

    • Process: For Connecting to your Intuition

    • Spiritual Support & Help!

    • Sweet Dreams - Types & Meanings

    • Crystals - Uses, Cleansing & Programming

    • Talismans!

    • Process: Psychometry

    • Process: Automatic Writing

    • Process: Tarot/Card Readings

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    Module 10 - Manifesting Magic - Vision/Desires

    • The Magic of Manifesting and Bringing it all Together!

    • Manifesting Magic Step by Step

    • It's in your Vibe!

    • Two Big Auto-Protection Mechanisms

    • "Being" and the "Identify" Of

    • Feeling it Real!!

    • Three Biggest Blocks to Your Desires

    • Process: Future Visioning

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    BONUS MODULE: Meditation Mastery

    • Meditation Merits

    • Methods of Meditating

    • Guided Meditation: Adrenal Regeneration

    • Guided Meditation: Hormone Harmony

    • Guided Meditation: Gut Healing and Microbiome Balancing

    • Guided Meditation: Self Love & Love Healing

    • Guided Meditation Audio: Alignment with Life Purpose

    • Guided Meditation Audio: Cutting Cords to Past Partners

    • Process: Theta Healing Meditation - Downloads

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    Next steps

    • Congrats! Here's what's next...

    • Before you go...